Once booked, register online before your first visit to save some time at the wall
Get unlimited climbing for a full year with 20% off our 1 year pass!
Our most convenient membership option is even cheaper when purchased by end of January, as you get 12 months of climbing for the price of 8 monthly passes: A SAVING OF £318!
Even compared to our rolling membership there is a saving of £198!
Enquire in house or use codes 20offAdult or 20offConc at our website checkout. Offer ends 31st of January!
Instructed Climbing
Get Started & Improver Sessions, Clubs, Parties and More!
Monthly Memberships (Rolling)
Savings and perks for regular climbers
Independent Climbing
Day Passes, Punch Cards, Month Passes, Year Passes
Vinyasa and Power yoga in our Gym
Check out the calendar for what's on at the Rhino
CoWorking and Your Private Spaces combined with Climbing
We also offer a Pay-What-You-Can membership – details can be found here